reasons Why You Need ERP Software For Schools And Colleges

Living in a world where everything is just a click away, we all have smartphones, and every business is online. We can see each detail of every business on our mobile devices and laptops. It helps us save time and energy. In this digital world, schools and colleges still use old methods to record their data.

Nowadays students are the future of the next generation and both parents and teachers are concerned about their future. We do not preserve their achievements, performances or appearance in the register. Along with this, schools and colleges also have to do other tasks, like annual day, sports day, any notice for students and parents and many more.

To overcome these problems and secure student data and their achievements, Class On will help you with the help of school ERP software.

This school or college ERP software helps education institutions keep their data secure daily. It is cloud-based ERP software; You can secure data and access it anywhere or anytime.

There are lots of reasons or benefits of ERP software for schools or colleges.

Below, we mention 5 reasons why you need ERP software for schools and colleges.

1. Easy Entry Process:

Easy admission process is one of the best benefits for school or college students. Here are some benefits.

A). Easy Enrolment: If the admission process becomes online, educational institutions can easily admit more students. Students and their parents fill out the admission form conveniently from their homes.

B). Improves Productivity: It helps admissions consultants to increase their work efficiency. They do not need to maintain manual entries. Everything is saved online. With the help of ERP software. They can focus on more admissions.

C). Secure and easy data management: With the help of school ERP software, administrators and other staff can easily manage all the data. The software collects all the data, and it is accurate and secure. Students, parents and teachers can easily track the applications for each student.

2. Online Fees, Payments and Management:

Another benefit of school or college ERP software is fee management.

It is an important part of every school or college institution. You collect the fees of 100 students and write the same on the register to record the above fee collection. You should also send reminders to their parents about the fees.

This ERP software solves this problem. You get many benefits from this ERP software.

A). Multiple Payment Options: Parents now pay fees online. They do not need to come to the office and deposit school fees. With school ERP software, they easily pay fees through UPI or wallet.

B). Fee Categorized: You can classify fee payments like sports day, annual function, scholarship and discount offers. This helps you make the process easier.

C). Fee Report: Once the payment is made, administrators can easily check all the records whether the payment has arrived or not, and they can easily find the defaulting students.

3. Easy Attendance Management:

Attendance is now the most important part of every school and college. Teachers keep a lot of records of students in their registers. This is a difficult part of their job. Benefits of using school ERP software

A). Attendance Report: With school ERP software, you can easily record students’ attendance online. Not even presence; You can interactively record student activity. Through these reports, teachers can check the attendance flow in their classes.

B). Time-Saving: Attendance management software easily maintains student records. It helps save time and increase teacher productivity. Teachers spend more quality time with their students.

4. Easy Communication with Parents:

ERP establishes a secure communication network that can help administrators send information to parents. Internal communication is an important part of any organization. This software, it helps in sending notifications and other event dates to their parents.

Advantages of the communication module:

A) Real-time information: Now teachers share any information with students, parents and administrators in a real-time or productive manner. Parents now easily know about their children’s activities and performance.

B) Increase cooperation: Communication helps in increasing the relationship between the teacher and the student. When teachers and students communicate more, they will give their maximum effort to the teacher-learning process.

5. Management System Software:

An ERP software helps you manage your business. You can easily check the performance of your facility. Their productivity, attendance and class progress. Along with this, there are many other benefits. ,

A) Making Smart Decisions

An ERP software provides information on various parameters and helps administrators to take better decisions based on those parameters. Teachers and principals can take better decisions according to reports and performance.

B). Performance Level Up:

ERP software helps you to perform better in your profile. Both students and teachers keep track of their performance. They easily come to know where they are lacking. With its help they improve their performance as per their parameters.


Class On provides you the best school ERP software for your educational institution. Be it school or college, it is useful for both. You can customize your own ERP software as per your needs. If you want to know more about class-on-school ERP software, contact us, and we will guide you according to your inquiry.