Request a FREE DEMO of Class ON

India`s first School ERP Software with a powerful toolkit to boost admissions!

Streamline School Operations with Confidence

Trusted by Many Schools for Effective School Management

We’d love to show you around.

Sign up today for a personalized demo and discover how Class ON can transform your school into a 100% smart and digital environment.

Trusted by Schools

It simplifies tasks such as fee generation, invoice creation, payment tracking, and receipt generation.

Proudly Supported & Trusted by many Schools around India

Your custom demo will show you how to:

Manage your school digitally with ease

Save money, time, and energy effectively

Boost productivity and work accuracy

Enhance school admissions with CRM and impactful videos easy

Have everything at your fingertips for control anywhere, anytime

Deliver exceptional customer experiences with instant notifications

Utilize creator tools for report cards, ID cards, certificates, admit cards, visitor passes, gate passes, and more

Let’s get started.

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