Class ON Parents App

If you are a parent, you will obviously know the tension about your child’s future! Moreover, if you are a working parent, then you must be familiar with the difficulties. It’s nearly impossible to keep regular communication with your child’s school. None of the working places will give you frequent holidays for parent-teacher meetings with your children, right? Well, it is a problem when the school runs in the old traditional ways. In the 21st century, with advancements in technology, these problems can be completely removed. This solution has been done by Class ON, the best School ERP.


Class ON Parents App: Let’s peek into the problems one by one and know how Class ON, the Cloud Based ERP, managed to solve them.


No language Barrier:-

The Class ON team is aware of the diversity of languages in India. The Class ON parent app is available in all the major languages of India like Marathi, Bengali, Hindi, and many more regional languages! Get the app in your comfortable language!


The issue with Monitoring Students’ Attendance:-

Students in the Adolescent group often don’t understand what’s good for them and what’s not. Correct Parenting becomes very necessary at this time. Often, students tend to bunk schools and try to enjoy the excitement of breaking rules. However, these may affect the student’s future career.

Get to monitor your student’s attendance from the comfort of your house. Get a detailed report of attendance in the app. No need of getting into trouble with your child when his/her activities can be tracked with the Class ON app! Click here for best school software


The issue with Receiving Test results:-

Academic reports are the main part of a student’s career. As a parent, you should always keep a regular watch on your child’s results. It’s always important to know how your child is performing.

But again the problem of visiting schools comes into the scene. You may be engaged in some unavoidable situations. No worries if you are joined with the Class ON parents app!

Get the results of all the tests directly in the app along with detailed analysis. Understand how you should guide your children and help them be the best with your guidance. All it matters is the realization of the faults in the tests and their corrections.


The issue with School Transportation facilities:-

Nowadays, many students go to school via Pool Cars or School buses. The parents remain worried about whether his/her child has reached school safely or not. But they can’t do anything as they don’t have any tracking updates.

Class ON, with its immensely experienced team members, has finally brought the solution. Get instant live updates of your child when he/she is in transportation. Be tension free as you will get to know the live location of your child. Isn’t it a much needed feature?


The issue with Fee Payment:- 

Fees payment by visiting the schools becomes problematic for parents. Everyone is having a busy schedule nowadays. It’s near to impossible to visit schools every month for fees payment. Class ON, the School ERP, has analyzed this problem and provided an outstanding solution. We created a platform where parents can pay their due fees online. No worries about traveling large distances for fee payment. It’s now just a matter of a few clicks from the comfort of your house.

You will also receive fee payment updates directly on your mobile. Moreover, Class ON, the best School ERP, has created provisions for No Interest EMI. Our life is full of ups and downs. It’s quite obvious that you have some monetary problems. No worries when the Class ON parents app is there. Get options for EMI and give the fees in parts.

Class ON, a cloud based ERP, proudly states that its app is completely secure for making payments. Our team is dedicated to looking after the security of the parents from unwanted harmful malware.

Read also: Best School Parent Communication Software in India – Class ON

The issue with Interaction with teachers:-

Many parents can’t keep in regular touch with the teachers. For a student’s overall benefit, it’s an absolute necessity to keep in contact with the teachers. It helps the parents to get reports of the students. Apart from academic reports, behavioral reports are also important. But how will you get to know about your child when you can’t visit the school in person? Class ON, a School ERP software, is there to provide you with the solution.

Get to interact with the teachers via the Class ON parents app! From now on, not a single piece of info about your child will get missed. Teachers are just a click away from you.


The issue with Regular Circulars from the School:-

Often kids can’t convey important notices from the school. It becomes problematic for the parents. They become tense about the correct notices. Now it’s not a problem with Class ON, a cloud based ERP. Get each and every circular on your mobile. From now on, stay updated with all the activities of the school. No worries about misinformation. All the circulars are just a few clicks away!

Read Also: A Solution & Best Features of Class ON Teacher’s app

Apart from these, Class ON has created the app with the easiest interface. Anyone can use the app. No preknowledge is required for handling this app. Click here for best school app

The world is advancing at an unbelievable pace. It’s time to revolutionize schools through the use of technology. Class ON keeps the motive to digitalize each and every school and help all the schools and students to reach their full potential. Because why not?