Super Advanced Homework Feature

India’s Best Homework Feature for Indian Schools
Class On mobile app is a very helpful cloud-based school management software and application for students, parents, teachers, and schools which has brought India’s 1st super-advanced homework feature to cater to the specific needs of Indian schools where teachers can type homework in any language and make it fun by uploading multiple images and pdf files. Teachers can also make home tasks more interactive and interesting by adding video clips and voice messages. The homework can now be personalized by adding doodle art or attaching links to various web pages to encourage students for research-based assignments.
All these features are in-built, so teachers can now say goodbye to WhatsApp groups and make the teaching-learning experience hassle-free. Teachers can check, review and reply in five different ways to the received homework with an exclusive feature of getting the notification when the student sees the homework sent by her, thereby, bridging the communication gap.

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